





Enrolling in the Seattle Preschool Program with 正规的棋牌平台排行榜 takes place through the 西雅图市教育和早期教育部门 (DEEL).







If your child has a disability and they have a current Individualized Education Program (IEP) with 正规的棋牌平台排行榜, 请联系您当前的案例管理员,以获取更多资讯 about how to enroll and submit an application for the Seattle Preschool Program or Seattle Preschool Program Plus.

或联系儿童查找电话:206-252-0805或 childfind@ngma-india.com.

About the Programs


与西雅图市合作, 西雅图学前教育项目提供高质量的教育, 为西雅图所有3到4岁的孩子提供负担得起的学前教育. 学生从事全职工作, research-based curriculum taught by certificated staff in a positive school climate and inclusive early childhood learning environment.


  • Dearborn Park
  • Highland Park
  • Sand Point

西雅图学前教育计划(SPP Plus)

Seattle Preschool Program Plus is a high-quality preschool program that also offers inclusive opportunities for students with and without disabilities. 学生从事全职工作, research-based curriculum where specially designed instruction is integrated into the early childhood learning environment for students with Individualized Education Programs (IEPs).


  • Arbor Heights小学
  • 贝利·加泽特小学
  • BF Day Elementary
  • Louisa Boren STEM K-8
  • Cascadia Elementary
  • 雪松公园小学
  • John Hay Elementary
  • Leschi Elementary
  • Magnolia Elementary
  • 北滩小学
  • 奥运山小学
  • 新星小学
  • 南岸小学
  • 桑顿溪小学
  • 西西雅图小学

概述(SPP/SPP Plus)

  • Certificated Teaching Staff (Additional Certificated Special Education staff for SPP Plus)
  • Instructional & 教室助理
  • 高范围学前课程
  • 每间教室20名学生(SPP Plus为18名)
  • 学前班的日子与学校大楼的钟声时间一致:
    • 6.5 hour School Day
    • 周三提前发布
  • 学年时间表
  • 学校膳食可购买或通过免费和减少午餐计划

For more information, please contact the 西雅图市教育和早期教育部门:



Tuition for the Seattle Preschool Program is considered for all students on a sliding scale and is based on household income. 所有最终的学费费率由西雅图市决定. (iep学生在指定的SPP +时段不收取学费).



Eligibility for 西雅图学前教育计划和西雅图学前教育计划 (General Education)

资格取决于儿童的年龄和地址. 注册后,您将被要求提交文件以验证资格.

Child Age

  • 儿童必须在8月31日或之前年满3岁或4岁,即课程学年的开始.
  • Children who are 5 years old before August 31 are eligible for kindergarten and are not eligible for City-Funded preschool programs.



学生们会在申请的每个学前班的等待名单上. 学生将按照项目优先顺序被列入候补名单.

  • 无家可归者和寄养/亲属关怀: Children from families experiencing homelessness or in foster/kinship care will receive priority placement.
  • Child’s age: Children who are age 4 on or before August 31 of the school year will receive priority over children who are age 3.
  • Home address: If you select a site that is in the same 正规的棋牌平台排行榜 elementary attendance zone as your home address, 你将比住在城市其他地方的孩子有优先权.
  • Siblings: Additional preference is given to children with siblings who will be enrolled/attending SPP at the same time or attending 正规的棋牌平台排行榜 in the same building. To receive preference for an SPS sibling, please include the SPS student ID on your application.
  • 双语或低收入3岁儿童: Three-year old children who do not have attendance zone priority will receive priority if they have a household state median income (SMI) below 54% OR if they speak a heritage language AND have a household state median income (SMI) below 94%.

SPP Waitlist

Families who submit applications between March 15th and April 12th will be included in the initial placement process and will be notified by May 1st if they have been offered a spot for the following September. 如果您的孩子没有被选中并被安置在最初, 或者你的申请在4月12日之后收到, 您将被列入您申请中选择的每个SPP地点的等待名单. 空缺在申请项目年度的3月之前滚动填补.

Please note, we have “moving waitlists” meaning children will be added to the waitlist in accordance with our program priorities (rather than a first come, first serve basis). Thus, your child’s placement on the waitlist may fluctuate depending on new applications being submitted and if families choose to be removed from a waitlist throughout the school year. Please reach out to the 西雅图市教育和早期教育部门 if you would like more information on where your child falls on a waitlist.

Email: Preschool@seattle.gov
Phone: 206-386-1050

资格和优先级 for Seattle Preschool Program Plus (Special Education Seats)


  • Age: 患有iep的儿童必须至少3岁才能有资格参加SPP Plus计划. 
  • Address: SPP只对西雅图居民开放. Children residing in unincorporated Seattle, or outside Seattle city limits, are not eligible.


西雅图学前教育计划(SPP Plus) placement recommendations are made by your child’s Special Education case manager and IEP team by June 1 each year. If your child has a disability and they have a current Individualized Education Program (IEP) with 正规的棋牌平台排行榜, 请联系您当前的案例管理员,以获取更多资讯.


The 西雅图学前教育计划(SPP Plus) assigns children to programs or waitlists based on the SPP Plus location nearest to your home address. 如果你的孩子在候补名单上, an assignment offer may be made at a neighboring SPP Plus location after the first round of offers are made, 如果有空位的话.


如果SPP Plus的推荐人数多于可用席位, 一个考虑优先因素的抽签过程发生了. Eligible preschoolers will be assigned to programs through a selection process that utilizes the following priority criteria first, 然后是一个学生的随机彩票号码:

  • 无家可归者和寄养: Children from families experiencing homelessness or in foster care will receive priority placement.
  • Child’s age: Children who are age 4 on or before August 31 of the school year will receive priority over children who are age 3.
  • Siblings: Additional preference is given to children with siblings who enroll or attend the same SPS school or SPP program at the same time.
  • Home address: If you are assigned to the same 正规的棋牌平台排行榜 elementary or middle school attendance zone as your home address, 你将比住在城市其他地方的孩子有优先权.
  • SPP Plus Waitlist

如果一个网站需要等候名单, 儿童将首先根据这些优先事项被添加到等待名单中, 然后根据学生的随机彩票号码. SPP +候补名单在每个学年结束时解散.


Families will be notified of either selection for a Seattle Preschool Program Plus seat or placement on a waitlist by June 5 of each year. 


If you feel that the SPP Plus offer process was not applied fairly with your child’s assignment, you may submit a SPP转学申诉表格


SPP Mailing List

接收有关西雅图学前教育计划的最新信息, sign up for the 西雅图市教育和早期教育部门 SPP Mailing List.

This list will send updates about our preschool program for as long as your child is age-eligible. 您可以随时退订.