Seattle Public Schools

Well-Resourced Schools at Seattle Public Schools


Well-Resourced Schools Planning Criteria, Data, and Equity

Defining Equitable Outcomes

Defining Equitable Outcomes for the System of Well-Resourced Schools


这项工作旨在通过解决资源差距和不平等问题,确保所有学生受益于资源充足的学校. 我们的重点是减轻变化的影响,并为每个学生的长期成功做好准备.

The 目前的制度是根据入学人数提供大部分资源,这使得学生获得资源的机会不均衡 to core services including art and music, counselors/social workers and support staff.


Students wear stethoscopes and practice using them together in a classroom

Students of color, especially Black students, are disproportionately served in schools that are too small (< 350 students) for sustainable allocation of the resources and services they need and deserve.  随着入学人数的下降和结构性预算赤字,不采取行动,这些核心学生服务的缺口只会变得更糟.  

Seattle Public School’s vision for a system of schools will: 

  • Achieve strategic plan goals with inclusive learning and support for all, most students served at their neighborhood school.  
  • Support special education and inclusionary practices, special education intensive services available in EVERY elementary school.
  • Multilingual learners supported in their neighborhood school.
  • Expand access to advanced learning by providing service in all elementary schools.
  • 每个年级有多名教师,计划/协作时间一致,支持灵活的分组, inclusive learning and advanced learning opportunities. 
  • Students served in modern, well-maintained buildings that support our educational vision.
  • 通过有效利用建筑能力和区域能力,支持预计的入学人数和区域学生人口密度.
  • Allocate resources effectively and sustainably to achieve an equitable system  

A racially equitable outcome will do a better job of fulfilling Policy 2200, equitable access to programs and services

  • Place programs or services in support of district-wide academic goals; 
  • Place programs or services equitably across the district; 
  • Place programs or services where students reside; 
  • Place programs or services in accordance with the rules of the current student assignment plan, and as appropriate, equitably across each middle school feeder region; 
  • Engage stakeholders in a timely and publicly visible manner by informing, involving, and/or consulting with them as appropriate, and consider their input in the decision-making process when feasible; 
  • 有效地利用物理空间资源,以确保整个地区的教学和项目空间需求得到公平的满足; 
  • Ensure that fiscal resources are taken into consideration, including analyzing current and future fiscal impacts; and 
  • 通过使用数据、研究和最佳实践,在做出任何决定之前分析其影响 

To achieve this vision systemwide, many students and families will be impacted by school closures and/or boundary changes, including students of color. However, a racially equitable outcome will not disproportionately impact students of color furthest from educational justice. 

Educational Access and Racial Equity

  • Advanced Learning Services: 我们正在扩大获得高级学习服务的机会,并在所有社区学校提供这些服务.
  • Multilingual Learners Services: Multilingual services are available to students in all schools.
  • Foster Care and McKinney-Vento Services: 寄养学生和无家可归学生的学生安置决定将以寄养和麦金尼-文托指导方针为指导.
  • Special Education IEP Intensive ServicesSPS将确保所有符合条件的学生都能获得所有特殊教育服务和完整的连续途径. For many students, the services and pathways will be available at their neighborhood school. If a student is assigned to a pathway not available at their neighborhood school, 他们将被分配到尽可能靠近住所的学校. 家长或监护人可以在任何时候要求召开IEP会议,讨论他们学生的服务.


Special Education
Current State

Many schools are not able to offer special education intensive services.


  • We need 54 extended resource classrooms. 
  • Maintaining 73 schools means 19 schools don’t offer extended resource services.

66% of students with Intensive IEP Services cannot attend their neighborhood school.​

Educational Access
Current State

Students of color, especially Black students, 是否在规模太小而无法提供他们需要和应得的资源和服务的学校中获得了不成比例的服务.​

54% of all K-5 SPS students attend a school smaller than 350.

Option Schools
Current State

Option schools historically provided capacity relief for overcrowded schools; today, they draw enrollment and resources from neighborhood schools.




17.6% of K-5 students attend option schools​.

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Tutor and student working on reading.

Analysis of Student Demographics and Proposed Outcomes

Analysis of Student Demographics and Outcomes from Proposed Options

*Please note that the total percentages are rounded and may not exactly reach 100%.

Districtwide 2023-24 Demographics of Students in Kindergarten – 5th Grade

American Indian,

Proposed Option A

See the proposals webpage for a list of schools in this group.

Demographics of Students Attending Closing Schools for Option A
American Indian,
Demographics of Students Affected by Draft Boundary Changes for Option A
American Indian,

Proposed Option B

See the proposals webpage for a list of schools in this group.

Demographics of Students Attending Closing Schools for Option B
American Indian,
Demographics of Students Affected by Draft Boundary Changes for Option B
American Indian,

Criteria for Well-Resourced Schools

a long one-story building includes a breezeway in front of doors and a dark brick section. 一条走道将新种植的景观与入口连接起来,入口旁边有一个电子标志
Entrance to the new Viewlands Elementary

Building Condition, Learning Environment Assessment and Capacity Report prepared by Säzän Environmental Services in 2022​.

Building Condition Score​: Examines the school building to determine if the physical facility safe and healthy. Example: Roof is 10 years old; School has air-conditioning.​

Learning Environment Score​: Examines the school building to determine if the facility design supports learning. ​Example: Open concept design is challenging for auditory processing.​

Well-Resourced Capacity(建筑):检查学校建筑,以确定设施是否可以容纳400多名学生,包括密集的IEP服务和学前教室.

Well-Resourced Capacity​ (system): Examines if as a whole, SPS is using our building capacity effectively. ​

Regional Distribution:检查我们地区的学校数量是否适合该地区有增长空间的学生数量.​

Building Condition Score: Shape and Condition

Each building has rating from 0 to 100; a higher rating indicates better building condition​

Score includes multiple systems:​

  • Is the roof in good condition? ​
  • Is the HVAC system updated?​
  • What will need to replaced or updated?
100Excellent or New​
90Good ​

Learning Environment Score


Spaces: Adequate size and quantity​

Configuration: Educational priorities, program flexibility, community connections​

Environment: Aesthetics, safety, responsive to human needs

1.0-1.99Excellent: meets all SPS standards​
2.0-2.99Good: meets most SPS standards​
3.0-3.99Fair: Below current SPS standards with some criteria lacking​
4.0-4.99Poor: Far below SPS standards with many criteria lacking​
5Unsuitable: Severely lacking support for SPS standards​
这是一座由红色砖块建造的3层建筑,第二层形成了一个覆盖一楼入口的天篷. a concrete walkway and parking lot are in front. there is an American flag on a pole.
Entrance to new Kimball Elementary

Future Capacity Considerations

我们对学校容量的计算略有不同,因为我们希望我们的学校能反映出我们的教育设计愿景. This new capacity will mean a shift in how some schools are using their buildings; it centers building use on student needs, student learning and our academic vision. ​

Well-resourced schools serve preschool and special education intensive students​

  • 3 full-size classrooms dedicated for special education intensive services​
  • 2 full-size classrooms for preschool​


  • Full-size classrooms are prioritized for core instruction, including art and music ​
  • Resource, Multilingual and SLP/OT/PT services will use smaller spaces​

通识教育的教室容量是K-3年级26人,4 -5年级28人

  • Is consistent with class size limits in the collective bargaining agreement

Well-Resourced Schools Capacity

To maximize our building capacity to create well-resourced schools, we have reconsidered how we calculate building capacity. 资源充足的能力确保我们能够在现有建筑组合内创建资源充足的学校,同时为入学人数下降做准备.​


  • 标准教室(用于通识教育和特殊教育强化服务)是指大于约700平方米的教室. ft​
  • General education classroom capacity is 26 students for K-3 and 28 for 4-5 (CBA)​
  • Resource, multilingual services and SLP will use spaces smaller than 700 sq. ft​
  • Each building will have 3 full size special education intensive services classrooms​
  • 便携设备不包括在容量中,只有少数例外(状态良好的便携设备), long term plans for expansion at the site)​
  • Room use prioritization: 3 special education intensive services and 2 preschool, core instruction classrooms (including music, art and PE), space for before/after care and partners as space allows

Analysis of Future Enrollment and Projected Outcomes


Proposed Option A

See the proposals webpage for a list of schools in this group.

Location# of SchoolsStudent EnrollmentAverage # of Students per Building
SW Seattle104,564456
SE Seattle94,129459
Central Seattle125,253438
NW Seattle125,774481
NE Seattle94,363483
Total52 Schools24,083 Students463 Average # Students per Building

Proposed Option B

See the proposals webpage for a list of schools in this group.

Location# of SchoolsStudent EnrollmentAverage # of Students per Building
SW Seattle114,564415
SE Seattle104,129413
Central Seattle125,253438
NW Seattle135,774444
NE Seattle104,363436
Total56 Schools24,083 Students423 Average # Students per Building
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